Why So Much Hate?

I see so much man hate in the queer community. People who claim to be enlightened and psychic verbally attack and assume other people’s gender.

So sorry if a man ever hurt you.

So sorry if a woman ever hurt you.

We are all hurt in some way by the patterns of the past. Racism, sexism, classism and on and on have all hurt us. Misogyny has hurt men and women and people all across the binary spectrum.

The truth is that we all possess an equal balance of male and female. Accepting this about oneself opens up a world where we can accept others.

Me and my partner have been on the receiving end of people judging and assuming because we “look” like a straight cis couple we must be, but we aren’t! Being categorized like this is justification for certain people to throw anger and cruelty toward us. Projecting a life time of story into us when perhaps none of it is true.

I understand why people are angry, but fighting with people who are on your side because you decided to misgender is pretty sad, ignorant, and rude. Just like it would be mean of me to judge someone for looking queer it is also mean to judge someone for looking straight. We are all a human family. Try not to lump a huge group of people together just so you can hate them.