Healing the Past

Sitting in the hot bath, I felt emotions rage behind my eyes.

Somewhere inside of me I held a core belief that because I was raised in a religious cult that I had negativity sent to me since before I was born, curses and prayers declaring me a sinner simply for existing and in need of external saving.

Furious at the vision of my unborn body receiving static vibrations and scattering my divine aura into jigsaw pieces, gasp.

No, no, no. I shake my head. I know that I can change this. Time cannot hold me back.
Feeling an emotional break and tears mix with bath water I pray out loud over my baby body, “I hope that your most happy and blissful memories stand out most in your mind throughout your life.”

Words of love poured out of my mouth towards my younger self, fully aware of the infinite dimensions that exist outside of space and time allowing my every intention to actualize instantly.

Like the snap of a finger the wave was over. I took a deep breath and let go.

Therapeutic Emotional Release

I invite you to join us for an hour long workshop where we create a safe container for emotions to be felt and released.
Yes! We will be laughing, yelling, screaming, stomping, maybe even crying, whining, moaning and making weird faces. Course includes sharing times and a closing meditation. Release tension throughout your body and cleanse yourself down to the cellular level creating an inner world of peace.
To register and receive zoom link please send $11 to @kosmicrockstar on venmo or email kosmicrockstar@gmail.com to snag a scholarship.

Free Birthday Weed in Tucson

Here is a current list of free birthday deals for AZ medical cannabis card holders in Tucson.

*NPN: no purchase necessary

  • Earth’s Healing preroll or edible
  • Prime Leaf free gram NPN
  • Purple Med free preroll NPN
  • Green Med free preroll NPN
  • SAINTS free gram NPN
  • Desert Bloom Relief Center free gram NPN
  • Bloom free preroll or 50 mg soda with medicated purchase
  • Harvest preroll or edible 100mg with any purchase